We often hear that people think agencies only offer temporary work, while this is true to an extent, there are many opportunities to gain permanent work with an agency.
We have listed the 4 main types of recruitment that we offer as an agency:
1. Ad Hoc
Ad hoc work is used to help companies fill an odd shift here and there. This type of work could be due to a permanent member of staff being off sick, to cover holiday or they may be extra busy and need a helping hand.
This type of work is suited to someone who:
- Would like to pick up extra shifts alongside their current job for extra money
- Someone who would like to gain some work experience for their CV
- Someone who is in need of short term temporary work
2. Temporary Ongoing
Companies use temporary ongoing staff to help with the extra requirements in their business, but the business may be unsure how long they need the extra staff for. These placements could last weeks, months or even years. This type of recruitment is often used when companies are experiencing peak periods like Christmas and Easter. There can be opportunity for an ongoing worker to gain a permanent contract if the company would like to take them on full time.
This type of contract is suited to someone who:
- Needs temporary work in between jobs
- Has recently been laid off and needs to get into work quick
- Has recently relocated to a new area and needs to get into work
- For those who don’t want a permanent contract. Some people like the freedom of being able to move between different jobs and companies
- Like the option of being paid weekly and don’t want to switch to a monthly wage
- Are looking to gain some work experience or try a new type of role
- Need seasonal work i.e. over the summer while on break at University
3. Temporary to Permanent
Temporary to permanent contracts are used so the company and candidate can see if they are suited to one another before becoming a permanent member of staff. Temp to perm roles are usually worked for a 26 week period before the company offers a permanent contract. Once you have accepted the permanent contract you will then become a permanent member of the company and will no longer be involved with the agency.
Temporary to permanent contracts are great for those who:
- Are looking to gain some work experience in a new industry or role before committing to the role permanently
- Would like to see if they fit within the company/team before committing to a full time position
4. Straight Permanent Contract
A straight permanent role will mean you will be taken on as a permanent member of staff and work directly for the company, you will have no involvement with the agency after the interview stage.
These contracts are suited to those who:
- Are moving into a similar role and know what type of work they’re seeking
- Want the security of a permanent role from day one
- Are fully qualified and experienced with the role
Find out more about working for agencies on our blog:
If you’d like to speak with us about jobs available in your area, working for Essential and registering with us please fill the form below and we’ll give you a call: