Aside from money, there are many other things you gain from employment..
1. Financial Stability
Being employed gives you a better understanding of how much money you will have coming in each month and you know you are guaranteed to receive money each month.
2. Gain Responsibility
By having a job it gives you a sense of responsibility inside and outside of the workplace. At work, you are there to achieve a certain task, which you are solely responsible for and will face the consequences of if it isn’t performed or performed to a set standard. You also gain responsibility outside of work, as having a job leads to owning things in life that you need to upkeep and pay for.
3. Timekeeping
Having a job teaches you to be punctual as the company is relying on you to be on time to your shift. This also helps you outside of work as it puts you in the mindframe of being on time to appointments, events, family gatherings etc.
4. You’ll become more organised
In most jobs you have multiple duties in your role, where you need to organise yourself to make sure everything is completed to a deadline. This also helps you to experience multi-tasking, which you will experience in your everyday life too. By learning how to organise yourself in a work setting, this will help you organise yourself in your personal life too.
5. Gives you a routine
Having a job is a great way of settling into a routine. Generally most people get into the habit of going to bed and waking up at a certain time, which helps you to gain a better sleeping pattern. It’s human nature that we like routine, as we like to be in control of how our days are planned out.
6. Know how to budget
By having financial responsibility you start to learn how to budget and spend your hard earned money. By having a job, especially when being paid monthly, you need to learn how to make your wage spread out over the whole month until your next pay day.
6. Gain friendships
Most people gain one or more good friendships in their working life, most people make their friendships through work as this is where you spend most of your time. Working enables you to be social and have a laugh with people, most people’s favourite thing about work is the banter. Sometimes, even if you don’t love the job you’re in, it’s the people who make it for you and are the reason you turn up every day. Friendships between employees are a good way to keep healthy relationships in the workplace, especially when you go out together outside of work as it strengthens your bond at work.
7. Experience the ‘Friday Feeling’
We can’t deny, you’ve got to love that feeling of knowing you’ve got the next day off! Even if you don’t work Monday to Friday, we can all experience that excitement of having your days off. If you aren’t in work, every day can start to feel the same and you don’t get that buzz of knowing you can have a lie in in the morning or a lazy day if you want to, it makes your appreciate your weekends/days off!
8. Gives you a purpose
When we aren’t working we can often feel like we don’t really have a purpose in life. When you’re working, you’re contributing to something. In your day to day role, the tasks you are doing are making a difference to the world, whether it being working in Food Production and helping to provide food for the world, working in Healthcare and helping to save someone life or working in Recruitment and changing someone’s life by helping them into work. There are many ways you’re helping to make the world go around when you’re working, as well as contributing to the running of the country with your Tax and National Insurance contributions.
9. Become productive
When we’re not in the routine of doing something everyday we can often find ourselves procrastinating. Being in work means you’re being productive for the majority of your week and when you’re not at work you’ll develop the need to still be productive outside of work too. When we’re at work completing a task or at home getting the cleaning done, to have that rewarding sense of achievement makes us feel like we’ve accomplished something and we get that self satisfaction.
10. Take yourself out of your comfort zone
Putting yourself out there and into work can completely take yourself out of your comfort zone which is a great thing! The only way we continually grow and develop is by taking ourselves away from what is comfortable and diving into a new experience.
11. Boost your confidence
Most people experience shyness and nervousness when first entering the world of work, it’s only natural! But working gradually helps you to build more confidence especially because you’re dealing with people and new situations on a daily basis. If you’re just starting out and looking for your first job, customer facing roles in hospitality and retail are great places to start to build your confidence.
12. Enables you to progress and develop
Having a job means earning money, which in turn allows you to be able to progress in your life like owning a house, a car or a pet which helps you to gain responsibility and develop yourself personally. In the workplace, you open up yourself to a world of opportunity where you can work hard to develop yourself, whether that’s gaining more skills, getting a promotion, getting a pay rise or gaining qualifications. Being in work and gaining all of these extra responsibilities enables us to mature and handle situations in a more professional and grown up way.
13. You learn about people
Throughout your working life you will come across tons of different people, with lots of different backgrounds, but you will often meet the same characters time and time again. By working around people, you will become more knowledgeable about dealing with different personalities. You will also become skilled in how to manage different types of people which is such a benefit to those who are looking to work their way up the ladder into management positions, as you will learn how to change your approach to suit someone’s personality and temperament.
14. It gives you a story
How many times have you sat and listened to your parents, grandparents, uncles etc. tell you stories of their working life and the things they have achieved in their life through their employment. That could be you one day, telling your children, grandchildren or the younger generation about your proudest achievements in life and how you’ve made a different to the world. It also gives the younger generation someone to look up to and aspire to be, if you set a good example to those who you influence in life, they are more likely to grow up aspiring to also make a change in life and make their contribution to the world.
15. You gain an understanding of how the world works
Working directly in the labour market, you become more aware of the issues people face in life like unemployability, financial struggles, consumer demand and much more which provides you with the opportunity to be more open minded and see world issues in a different light. It can influence your political decisions, your empathy towards people and your views towards many issues and problems we face nationally and globally. You will become more aware of how one change in the world affects our lives so much.
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