Hydro and Essential Donate to Warm Spaces


We’re donating to Tibshelf Warm Space in conjunction with our friends at Hydro in Tibshelf.

The centre offers free tea, coffee and biscuits, craft activities, card games and bingo. There is no need to book, and it is open to everyone.

The space is part of the Warm Spaces programme, which says “With a cost of living & climate crisis, many of us are facing tough decisions. Some of us have moved to working from home following the pandemic and are facing a winter with increased energy bills. Others are facing even harder decisions about whether to heat or eat.
Warm Spaces is designed to signpost anyone in need of warmth & community, to a warm space to share with others.”

The donation comes as our contact Sue took advantage of our Charity Scheme, where we ask our clients to donate a charity each month for us to donate to. Sue and her colleagues at Hydro believe the warm spaces programme is a worthy cause, and so we do. We were delighted to be able to help.

Thanks for bringing this scheme to our attention, Hydro!