Welcome to the team: Scott Ingham

Our Chesterfield branch has a new Manager – meet Scott Ingham!

We’ve grilled him to bring you the lowdown…



Hi Scott! First up, what inspired you to apply for a role with Essential? 

“Essential have always been a competitor, great marketing ;), good reputation with clients I had canvassed.”


Now you’re here, what are your main goals? 

“As BM I have a team of 5, focusing mainly on the Sheffield, Chesterfield and Mansfield areas. We are aiming to build our client portfolio to the point of opening sub locations to Chesterfield.”


This isn’t your first rodeo, is it?

“Nope. I’ve always worked in industrial recruitment, and started as a trainee consultant at The Best Connection. After spending a number of years progressing through roles I decided to move into a Branch Manager role.”


And are you going to tell us that Essential is the place to be?!

“Yes for sure, the processes that are in place are good and work effectively. I like that we do everything for a reason and not just for the sake of doing it! The back office systems help with the day to day tasks and I like how involved and responsive the marketing department is! Moving to Essential I think is the perfect step for me and our future goals align very well so I’m sure the coming years will be rewarding. The first few weeks have flown by, which can only be a good thing. Thankfully everyone has made me feel welcome which has helped the transition be pretty smooth.”


Awesome. What do you think you’ll be bringing to the team?

“I’m hoping a different view point of view due to my experience of working elsewhere, a fresh outlook on things always helps! My plan is to keep the team motivated and part of that is ensuring the office environment has a buzz each morning to keep spirits high.”


We can’t complain at that! OK, lastly, tell us a bit about yourself outside of work?

I think a lot, my partner thinks nothing and that I’m always sat on the sofa when she gets home from work. She’s from down South so I think there’s a communication issue and she doesn’t quite see the effort I put in around the house. Most of my evenings are spent trying to keep active by either playing football (Mansfield fan working in Chesterfield… eek ????), going to the gym or falling off my bike whilst riding down mountains. My best asset in life is probably my mini dachshund Douglas. He does get a rather annoying amount of attention whilst out though, almost everyone asks, ‘is that a sausage dog?’ when he quite clearly is. However, I can’t lie… I now have fun when people ask and now say he’s actually a rottweiler with a growth problem…


You can contact Scott by calling him on 01246 278000 or connecting with him on LinkedIn here: click