The Essential League – Week 31 Info



On today’s top story on the Tom Sports News channel… 

I got the latest scoop straight from the horse’s mouth!



Mr Shipsides, also known as Nathan, or big Nath, the Nathanator, MC Shippy sids etc.
He is still trying. I repeat, he is still trying.
I heard directly from the side of the ship himself that he wants that golden 9th spot from Emma.



One of my best photographers got this sneaky shot in last week’s game. Now I definitely know that Nathan really does mean business now!


Here is what Nathan had to say,
“I triple captained De Bruyne?…Oh I totally forgot.”


See. The most genius of players just play the game not being aware of their current plays.
They just play it so casually. So cool.
Go on Big Nath!



Most transferred in players this week (as of now):



Here is how the league stands at the moment, just in case you need a little reminding:


Form an orderly queue for that first place spot please!
We’re British, we love a queue don’t we?
Although someone at the front won’t budge!
We’ll be patient…



As Arnie would say in that film where he is a robot man… “I’ll just be a couple of minutes”


See you on Tuesday!


Tom Willimett