The Essential League – The Finale



On this week’s jumbo edition, and the finale issue of Tom Sport News…


…well that was fun wasn’t it?


This past 9 months has been a good way to distract us from the shit going on in the world right now…
5 pence for a bluddeh carrier bag! GAH!
And don’t get me started on them vegans! If I want a steak, I don’t need some hippie yippie so and so telling me what’s what!
Just have a stella, and calm ya sen down!


We’ve sadly lost Leicester and Southampton…


We lost Leeds.


Man City won the league of course, but we don’t care about that!
We wanna know who the Man City of OUR league is!


Well simmer down children, read on to find out…



Highest scoring players for the final week:


Top Overall Scorers this season:



Congratulations to the top performer this week…

She definitely did it all herself and thoroughly sorted through her team this week all on her own!


It’s Emma with 77 points!



Instead of celebrating her victory, she went and had a word with Big Sam down in Leeds.
Her boyfriend is a Leeds fan, and to defend his honour, she full on clocked Big Sam.
As you can see from my photographers picture at the weekend, she was pissed…
Big Sam was pleading for the police to take her away!



And now…here is the table for the final time!



She full on battered us all to be fair…
She is know my role model for next year to try and get more people who think they know nothing about football to compete.
She came in with no experience on football, nor has she ever touched Fantasy Football as a thing.
She thought she’d give it a try, and hey presto, she’s buying gardening ornaments with her prize money!
Just goes to show you, as long as you try…



I have also been keeping tabs on who finished in 1st the most…and it’s…erm…




Well, that’s all folks!
What a ride it has been.
We’ve had ups, we’ve had downs, we’ve had some take a good look arounds. I know it’s not much, but it’s okay. We’ll keep on moving on anyway.


As William Shakespeare once said back in the day… “Get in there my son WAAAAY I love the footie!”



And with that being said, I will bid you farewell.


See you back in August for a new season!


…bye  :'(


Tom Willimett