How to choose between job offers

Have you ever been in a position where you’ve got multiple job offers, but you’re not sure how to choose which one will be the best fit for you? 

Here are some factors to consider if you ever find yourself in this situation…

Think about what is important to you, what are your priorities when looking for your next job and what was missing from your last job that made you look for another opportunity.


Your priorities may include:

  • Salary
  • Career opportunities
  • Workplace culture 
  • Flexible working
  • Location 

You can also reflect on the experiences you’ve had with each company. How was the application process? How was the interview? How did you feel in their working environment? Did the staff make you feel comfortable? 

As well as making an good impression of yourself, it is also the employers chance to make a good first impression on you as well. Trust your gut – if you didn’t feel comfortable in one of the interviews that’s probably a sign that this isn’t the right place for you.

If you've had good experiences in all of your interviews and you're still really unsure, here's an exercise you can do

If you’re really struggling to decide, it might help you to literally have it ‘staring you right in the face’. 

Take a piece of paper and divide it into columns – one column per job offer.

Write each job offer at the top of each column and then under each offer, write all of the pro’s and con’s of each position. 

Once you’ve completed them all you can look at them side by side and see more clearly which one has the most pro’s and the least con’s for you. 


Points to think about:

  • Does this opportunity align with your long term goals
  • Does it provide you with opportunity to upskill
  • Does it provide the opportunity to travel 
  • Will the role challenge you 
  • Does it line up with your work-life balance expectations 
  • Does the company proritise culture / their employees


Hopefully seeing the information right in front of you will help you to make the right decision for you. 

Is company culture important to you?

If so, one way you can find evidence of this is to do a bit of social media stalking. Check out the company’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok accounts. Do they celebrate birthdays and anniversaries? Do they get involved in mental health week? Do they give recognition to their worker’s achievements? This may help you to see if you see yourself fitting in with their culture. 

Remember to trust your intuition - if something feels right don't be afraid to take a leap!

If you would be interested in chatting with us about the career opportunities that are available in your local area, please add your details into this form and we’ll be in touch within 3 working days.