Big Miles for Tiny Hearts: Charlie’s Inspiring Marathon


This month our Business Development Manager, Charlie Baker, is taking part in the “Marathon My Way” challenge for Sands, the stillbirth and neonatal death charity.

In this, participants are challenged to run a total of 26.2 miles, but with a twist; You get to choose your own pace and schedule! 


Charlie says: “This April, I’ve taken on a deeply personal challenge to support Sands charity. I’ve committed to walking or running 26.2 miles as part of the My Marathon My Way campaign. It’s not about breaking records or proving anything. It’s about showing up for something that really matters.

Sands is a charity that’s incredibly close to my heart. They offer vital support to those who have been affected by the loss of a baby, regardless of when it happened. As a mom myself, and knowing friends who’ve gone through this pain, it’s something I can’t ignore – it brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.

The numbers are tough to hear – 13 families a day in the UK face the unimaginable pain of losing a baby. That’s thousands of families every year. It’s staggering, and it’s heartbreaking.

But what’s even harder to swallow is that so many of these losses happen without us really understanding why. Sands is working tirelessly to change that. They’re pushing for research to get to the bottom of it, to save more little lives.

For over 40 years, Sands has been a lifeline for those in the darkest moments of their lives. They’re there with a listening ear, a supportive community, and practical help. And they’re not just there for the immediate aftermath – they’re there for the long haul.

They work closely with healthcare professionals to ensure families get the best care possible and they’re not stopping there. They’re pushing for change, raising awareness, and fighting for these families every step of the way.

So, here’s where you come in. I’m not asking for much. A small donation, a share, even just a kind thought – it all makes a difference. It’s about showing these families that they’re not alone, that there’s a whole community standing with them”


We have supported Charlie with a donation – if you’d like to do the same, Charlie’s JustGiving page can be found here


You can find out more and join the challenge via the Sands website here: