How does working with an agency help to give you extra peace of mind?

In need of some extra peace of mind?

Working with a labour provider can give you extra peace of mind when it comes to your recruitment. We really care about the service we provide to our clients. We want you to feel confident that you can trust we are doing everything possible to meet your requirements – we want to add peace of mind, not create more stress for you!

Here are some of the services we offer that help to take some of the pressure off yourselves…

Selecting the right candidate

First hand experience:

We can arrange to come and perform a job shadow of your role, to experience working the job ourselves to ensure we understand the requirements and environment we are recruiting for. 


Thorough checks:

All applicants put forward will have been thoroughly screened, we will delve into the candidate’s work history to ensure they have the right experience/skills/attitude for your role. We also reference check applicants to confirm their suitability for your role. 


Fully compliant with Employment Law:

Our Compliance department ensures all candidates are compliant with Employment Law, ensuring that the candidates who are provided to fill your roles are of the right calibre and standards. We perform regular audits to make sure all compliance checks are up to date.


GLAA Licensed:

We’re licenced by the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority to ensure that as labour providers we protect vulnerable workers who could be at risk of exploitation.


Face to face interviews:

We make face-to-face interviewing a priority in our service as we don’t believe you can assess the right person for the job without meeting them in person.

Providing the best calibre of candidate

Induction assistance:

Our Consultants can assist with the candidate’s induction to ensure workers are inducted properly, minimising risk of accidents and increasing production. Our client induction program can be tailored to accommodate your individual requirements. This can include conduct on assignment, accident and fire reporting procedures, health and safety, manual handling, company rules and much more.


Health & Safety awareness:

There can be serious implications of candidates not being trained properly on Health & Safety within the workplace, this is why we ensure our candidates have been properly trained and sign documentation to confirm that they have understood the training.


New starter check ins:

We can be onsite to check your new starter in on their first day to provide support. We will also make contact mid way through and after their shift to ensure they are settling in as expected.


Confirmation of assignment:

We also provide candidates with a confirmation of assignment after the registration process which covers the individual client’s sites including your policies and procedures, rules and regulations and health and safety. This ensures your candidates are fully set up before their first day at work, in turn, ensuring they know which department to arrive in and who to report to, avoiding being lost or confused and losing productivity time.

Keeping in touch

Onsite check ins:

We can provide a regular onsite presence to ensure there are no issues onsite and to build a strong relationship with you.


24/7 call out service:

We may work 8-5, but we understand that the majority of our clients operate 24/7. Our 24/7 call out service is available 365 days of the year to ensure we are available for any emergencies or urgent queries. This service provides you with assistance for issues including no shows, walking off site, accidents, change in your demand for services and holiday & sickness cover.


Quarterly service reviews and KPI reports:

We set KPI’s, completely tailored to you and your needs, to ensure we are constantly meeting the needs of our clients’ and keeping our clients’ updated with performance reporting. Every quarter we will arrange a service review to ensure you are happy with our service and meeting your expectations.


Staff surgeries

We can hold ‘staff surgeries’ onsite to speak confidentially with candidates to address any queries or problems arising that may affect them in the workplace or personal life.

Additional Support


All of your advertising is handled by our experienced in-house marketing team. By having our own dedicated team you can ensure we are proactively sourcing the right candidate for your vacancy. 



We process the payroll for the candidates we supply, taking the extra pressure off your own accounts department. We pay candidates every Friday by PAYE. Our accounts team will also be monitoring changes from HMRC.


ALP member:

Being members of the ALP provides us with resources for legal support, in turn enabling us to support you with any compliance issues that may arise.

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