Facebook Graph Search: Recruitment gold or a step too far?

If you haven’t heard, recruiters are obsessed with the new Graph Search feature on Facebook – This is the most powerful tool I’ve seen in a while.

You’re looking for a German speaking sales worker who lives in Burton?

Ask your Facebook search bar. Seriously, type in ‘people who speak German and live in Burton’ and you’ll be presented with a list of people who meet this criteria. The upside of this is obviously that recruiting has never been so easy. The downside? Well there’s a few niggles, such as the invasion of privacy.

Once everyone clocks on to this feature, no doubt the rarer candidates will become wise as to why they’re becoming inundated with messages containing offers of work. They’ll retreat – hide personal details from Facebook, change privacy settings and ultimately become invisible to the search.

This new ability to connect with anyone, anywhere, interested in anything  (or combinations of interests) means that it has outdone twitter’s USP of being able to find new friends. It is essentially a search engine for humans. However, problems do lay in that many people don’t formally fill out their profile. Locations are sometimes ironically selected, and job titles often include ‘full time mummy’.

But should we be able to have the freedom to contact whoever we want? Is it fair to encroach in every social space?
Let me know what you think…

Here’s a few examples of how Graph Search can be preeeetty amusing! http://actualfacebookgraphsearches.tumblr.com/